Dr. Daniel Paul i Agustí - Geographical Research

Daniel Paül holds a doctorate in Geography and is an associate professor of the BA in Tourism at the University of Lleida. He is the coordinator of the Master's degree in Mountain area management. His main lines of research focus on aspects related to the management of the city's image, especially in two areas: (1) the image projected by tourists on social networks and (2) the image perceived by citizens in their lives. everyday He has published several articles and book chapters on this topic. Likewise, he is principal investigator of the consolidated research group “Territori i Societat” of the Generalitat of Catalonia (2021 SGR 01369).
Teaching Activities
BA in Tourism
- Territorial Guidance and tourist information
- Territorial tourist resources
- Cultural and city tourism
- Planning and management of the tourist space
- Degree final project
MA in Management of Mountain Areas:
- Analysis, description and diagnosis in medium/dry mountains
- Mediterranean mountain and tourism workshop
- Research lines
- Tourist images generated by users
- Urban promotion strategies
- Impact of museum policies in cities
- City and tourism
Main research projects
- Project "EMBRACing changE - Overcoming Blockages and Advancing Democracy in the European Neighbourhood"
- IP of the "Geography and emotions" project (Indest)
- Consolidated research group "Territory and Society" (2017 SGR1450)
- The urban conflict in the spaces of social reproduction (RTI2018-094142-B-C21)
Latest Publications
Paul, D.; Guilera, T.; Guerrero, M. (2022) Gender differences between the emotions experienced and those identified in an urban space, based on heart rate variability. Cities.
Paul, D.; Guilera, T.; Lasala, J.; Guerrero, M.; Ganau, J.; Pifarre, J. (2021) Increase in Stress Level in Public Spaces Following the Application of Measures Against COVID-19: An Exploratory Study. Ecopsychology.
Paul, D. (2021). Mapping gender in tourist behavior based on Instagram Jounal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism-Research, 35, 100381, p.1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2021.100381
Paul, D.; Guerrero M. (2021) The influence of public spaces on emotional states. Journal of Urban Design. https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809.2021.1960155
Paül and Agustí, D. (2021). The clustering of city images on Instagram: A comparison between projected and perceived images. Journal Of Destination Marketing & Management, vol. 20, June 2021, p. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdmm.2021.100608
Paül and Agustí, D. (2020). Mapping tourist hot spots in African cities based on Instagram images. International Journal of Tourism Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jtr.2360
Paül and Agustí, D. (2019). The spatial location of the theatrical activity. An analysis based on the case of Barcelona. Stage Studies, 2019, vol. 44, no. 2019, p. 1-16.
Paül i Agustí, D., Rutllant, J., & Lasala Fortea, J. (2019). Differences in the perception of urban space via mental maps and Heart Rate Variation (HRV). Applied Geography, 112, 102084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2019.102084
Paül and Agustí, D. (2019). The spatial location of tourist attractions in a metropolitan area: differences between institutional tourism material, tourist guides and content generated by users. Papers on Geographical Analysis, 65(2), 293-320. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/dag.528
Paül and Agustí, D. (2019). Tourist hot spots in cities with the highest murder rates. Tourism Geographies, 1-20.
Paul and Agustí, D.; Saladié, Ò, Gutiérrez, A. (2019) The contribution of football clubs to the international projection of cities: a causal analysis based on German and English cases. Sport in Society, 1-20.
Paül and Agustí, D. (2019). The under-representation of non-urban areas. A comparison of printed materials and images on Instagram. PASOS: Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage 17 (1), 65-80
Paül and Agustí, D. (2018). Characterizing the location of tourist images in cities. Differences in user-generated images (Instagram), official tourist brochures and travel guides. Annals of Tourism Research, 73, 103-115.
Paül and Agustí, D. (2018). (2018). Differences in location in tourist attractions. Comparing projected and perceived image. Economy Society and Territory, (58), 735-762.
Paül and Agustí, D. (2018). A bid for a new tourist image: the Regions of Catalonia collection of the General Directorate of Tourism (1981-1984). Works of the Catalan Society of Geography, 2018, no. 85, p. 179-196.
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2017). "The European Capital of Culture of Spain 2016. Comparative analysis of Donostia-San Sebastián, designated city, and the candidacies of Málaga and Zaragoza", Cuadernos Geográficos, Vol. 56, nº 1, p. 242-264.
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2017). "Global architecture and spectacular urbanism: a bet away from the citizen", Biblio3W. Bibliographic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences, Vol. XXII, nº 1,216.
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2017). "The image campaigns of the Catalan municipalities as a reflection of their local policies". Eria: Quarterly journal of geography, 2017, vol. 2017-2, p. 187-199
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel; GANAU CASAS, Joan & RIERA FIGUERAS, Pilar (2017). "The role of theater venues in the transformation of Barcelona", in Murzyn-Kupisz, Monika; Dzialek, Jaroslaw (Eds.) The impact of artists on contemporary urban development in Europe. Heidelberg, Springer, p. 161-184.
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2017). "The 22@Barcelona district as an element of relocation of the city's companies. An analysis of the old and new locations of business headquarters", Bulletin of the Association of Spanish Geographers. Flight. 74, p. 185-203.
PAUL AND AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2016). "The integration of artists in an urban environment in transformation. The Poblenou neighborhood of Barcelona as an example" in Egea Jiménez, Carmen & Sánchez González, Diego (Coord.) Friendly cities. Perspectives, policies and practices. Granada, Comares, p. 193-210.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2016). "Where would you place the city on the map? Analysis of representations of the province of Lleida among Catalan university students" Works of the Catalan Society of Geography, 81, p. 137-158.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2016). "Agriculture, mountains and... The perception of the province of Lleida by Catalan university students" Geographical Analysis Documents. Flight. 62/1, p. 111-132.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2015). "From white elephants to respected centers. Analysis of the aspects related to the improvement of the image and the repercussions of the cultural facilities" Archives of Social Sciences, no. 33: 57-70.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2015). "Museums still not very digital: the presence of Catalan museums on the internet" Analysis. Communication and culture tables. Flight. 52, p. 81-96.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2015). "The image of the territory from the television. The location of the TV series of Catalonia" Works of the Catalan Society of Geography. Flight. 79, p. 257-275.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2014). "From Catalan Manchester to Barcelona's innovation district. The symbolic changes in Barcelona's Poblenou district." Scripta Nova - Electronic Journal of Geography and Social Sciences. Flight. XVIII, no. 493.
PAÜL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel (2014). "Unexpected repercussions of an urban transformation slowed down by the crisis. The return of artists to the creative district 22@Barcelona” Cuadernos Geográficos vol. 53, no. 2, p. 87-102
PAUL and AGUSTÍ, Daniel. (2014). "The innovation district 22@Barcelona. New expectations generated in an urban transformation slowed down by the economic crisis", in AA.VV. Unfinished territories and broken societies.
Èlia Susanna i López - Anthropological Research

Èlia Susanna López, holds a degree in Contemporary History, and has followed graduate studies on social and cultural anthropology, and on education studies. She holds and MA in Peace and Conflict Studies (with Honours) by the University of Bradford. She is working on a PhD on Lebanon and Afganistan, where she has spent four years of anthropological field research. She has lectured at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya for more than 10 years, and has also taught at Kabul University for the University of Washington, and at the American University of Afgansitan for more than two years. She has also taught at the Anthropology Department, in the Unviersitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She speaks eight languages among which Persian (Dari from Afghanistan), and Japanese. She is the co-coordinator of the EMbracE Europe, together with Daniel Paul, and the coordinator of the School of Peace and Global Studies. She is currently teaching Introduction to Peace and Concflict Studies at Universitat de Lleida.
Teaching Activities:
University of Lleida. BA (transversal to all BAs)
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies. Cooperation and Development.
University of Andorra. MA in Education
Democracy and Peace.
Main Research Projects:
- Project "EMBRACing changE - Overcoming Blockages and Advancing Democracy in the European Neighbourhood". Field research in Lebanon.
- Afghanistan Refugies Lifestories. From 20 of August 2021 and ahead.
Main Publications:
Cultura de la violència. Natura de la por i del terror que perveteis la societat afganesa: com l'entén i l'expressa la població quan arriben unes eleccions. Democratització d'una societat de postguerra Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya, ISSN 1132-6581, Nº. 37, 2010, págs. 98-115
Antropologia del conflicte i la violència: llista de publicacions Revista d'etnologia de Catalunya, ISSN 1132-6581, Nº. 37, 2010, págs. 116-120
La democràcia, una clau per a la pau a la Mediterrània. Universitat Internacional de la Pau. Recull de ponències, Nº. 21, 2007 (Ejemplar dedicado a: XXI edició. La Mediterrània. Dues ribes, una responsabilitat compartida. Sant Cugat del Vallès, Juliol 2006), págs. 77-95